Archive for January, 2010|Monthly archive page

There When You Need Them

An integral part of congregational life is supporting each other in good times and bad — especially the latter.

The Temple’s Caring Committee helps us follow through on that promise. Louise Frumkin, committee chair, estimates that more than 40 volunteers are actively helping support congregant families who are enduring health-related and other difficulties. Another 40 volunters chip in on projects such as making up and delivering Purim Gift Bags for Jewish seniors.

As the board learned during its regular meeting this week, the committee is doing extraordinary and inspiring work.

A great example was the care for Judy Vaughan, who recently passed away after a long-term illness. (You probably remember Judy; she often attended worship services in her wheelchair with her care giver.) A team of congregants organized by the Caring Committee supported Judy for more than eight years, visiting her at home, taking her shopping and on other excursions, and generally being with her to provide emotional support and friendship.

According to Louise, this type of relationship is typical of the committee’s work. The teams provide social visits for homebound congregants with chronic medical conditions, as well as interim support — running errands, taking people to doctor appointments, doing laundry, delivering food and groceries, etc. — for those recovering from surgery, accidents or shorter term illness. Those in need often do not have extended family or friends in the area.

There are currently three active care teams, each with approximately six volunteers. One is gearing up to help a congregant who is donating a kidney to another congregant. (Yes, you read that right.) The donor asked for daily visits while she recovers from the surgery.

Louise has learned a great deal about human nature during her three years heading up the committee. Though they could use help, people are often hesitant to ask. But they almost always accept and appreciate the support from the Temple community when offered, even from congregants they do not know. And finally, committee volunteers almost always benefit as much or more from the experience as those they help.

Thanks to Louise and the other dedicated Caring Committee members for helping to make Temple Beth El a holy community. (For more information, contact her at