Archive for November, 2009|Monthly archive page

Taking Action Against Domestic Abuse

Almost two years ago, Marsha Stickler challenged Temple Beth El to formally acknowledge the presence of domestic violence in our congregation, and our collective intent to do something about it. In response, the board passed this resolution:

WHEREAS Judaism affirms the sanctity of life and the inherent right of each person to a life of dignity and respect, and to a home that embodies such values, and

WHEREAS a Jewish House of Worship should be a safe haven for anyone who is suffering from any form of domestic abuse, and

WHEREAS domestic abuse, especially the battering of women, is a problem that has too often been minimized, ignored, or denied in the Jewish community, and

WHEREAS certain misconceptions exist regarding battered women and men that dismiss, deny, and blame the victim rather than the perpetrator,

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Temple Beth El and its members acknowledge the presence of domestic abuse in our Temple family and the Jewish community.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Temple Beth El and its leadership will offer guidance about domestic abuse and make it known to our congregants that victims may come to us for help and that we will educate our congregants in order to recognize and help prevent domestic abuse.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Temple Beth El will take the steps that are necessary and appropriate to become a safe and welcoming place for anyone in our Temple family who is in a domestic abuse situation.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Temple Beth El leadership will offer educational and ethical action programs about domestic abuse, and that we will institute appropriate forums in our congregation and community regarding the issue of domestic abuse.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Temple Beth El will call upon and work with other religious and secular organizations throughout our community to educate and engage in a campaign of outreach and awareness regarding domestic abuse.

This weekend marked a major step forward in this important initiative. Rabbi David Rose, Founder and Director of JDiscover and chair of Jewish Women International’s clergy task force on domestic abuse, came to town for a series of educational programs about domestic violence in the Jewish community. His visit was a collaborative effort of TBE, the Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte, Jewish Family Services and some 16 other local agencies. Rabbi Rose spoke to our Brotherhood in the morning, gave a public lecture in Lerner Hall last night, and will lead a training session for our clergy this morning.

Rose was ordained at The Jewish Theological Seminary and had pulpits in Florida, Washington and Maryland before refocusing his rabbinate on combating domestic abuse through the lens of Jewish wisdom and values.

Since 1997 he has been at the forefront of Jewish efforts to end domestic abuse. Rose has counseled hundreds of women from across the country toward safety and new lives. He was featured in the documentary film “When the Vow Breaks” and in 2004 was awarded a certificate of Special Congressional Recognition and the Jewish Coalition Against Domestic Abuse’s Community Service Award for his work.

As Temple Beth El president and someone who has personally worked for many years to combat domestic violence, I am proud of our board resolution (we’re one of only a few congregations nationally to take such a step, according to Rabbi Rose) and to see these programs happening as a reflection of our collective resolve and intent to address this problem in tangible and meaningful ways.

We are very fortunate to have Rabbi Rose, a nationally prominent expert, and Marsha Stickler, a dedicated and passionate advocate, to lead and inspire us in this important work.